Friday, September 18, 2009

Decomposition of a simple polygon into convex polygons

The Dev has implemented a algorithm decomposing concave polygons without holes into a list of convex polygons as per the paper "Decomposition of a polygon with holes into convex polygons" by José Fernández, Bolglárka Tóth, Lázaro Cánovas and Blas Pelegrín.

This is, of course, only a stepping stone to a algorithm that can decompose polygons with holes, but as my purpose is to inform you of progress, this is what I have done.

The Dev instructed me to include this data,he called it a 'Screen-Shot', I do not understand what it is:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome this is such best example of an art glass. For the reason that I'm glass addict i would like to have it inside my house besides that I already have glass doors .


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